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The Role of parents in raising a child healthily




The most challenging task for any parent is to ensure their child’s good health. Though some might claim it’s the most fulfilling job, the truth isn’t far from reality. 

Family life is stressful and for all the right reasons, keeping an eye on a child’s well-being meanwhile wanting only what’s best is a balance difficult to maintain

However, striking a healthy balance only leads to better outcomes for children. 

Parents are role models, an example for children to follow, and nurturing the parent-child relationship lays the foundation for a child’s personality, overall behavior, and life choices. 

As children grow, parents change, catering to the child’s emotional needs that lead to healthy attachments, which positively impact kids later in life.

A healthy parent-child relationship enables children to better regulate their emotions when dealing with stress than those with unhealthy relationships. 

One of the critical ingredients of a healthy relationship is trust and respect, lack of any of the two only pushes the relationship downhill. 

A parent always ensures that no aspect of a child’s health, emotional or physical, is neglected. However, as mentioned earlier, the job becomes nerve-wracking, especially when a child suffers from birth injuries that manifest into neurological disorders like cerebral palsy. 

In such circumstances, hiring a cerebral palsy attorney for compensation claims and seeking treatment alleviates emotional and financial burdens. 

We have discussed the importance of a healthy parent-child relationship and its impact on the child; as a parent, if you find yourself struggling, here are a few tips for effective parenting. 

1. Boost self-esteem

Children feel more confident about themselves and are more likely to succeed academically and socially. They start developing a sense of worth early as they view themselves from their parent’s eyes. 

A child memorizes the parent’s body language, speaking tone, and facial expression, eventually becoming a part of their lifelong memory. All these elements are significant in boosting a child’s self-esteem and developing their personality. 

But why does self-esteem even matter in the first place? Though the answer is already mentioned in the first line, a few other reasons exist. 

Besides confidence, self-esteem enables children to accept their imperfections, a version capable of making mistakes and never quitting when experiencing failure. 

Children who lack self-esteem invite others to treat them poorly and cannot stand up for themselves. 

When children are allowed to express themselves, showered with love, and protected, the hurdles life has waiting for them become less challenging to overcome. 

Parents can boost their child’s self-esteem by letting them experiment, praising them, and, most importantly, becoming role models. 

2. Good nutrition

A parent’s responsibility is to ensure that every aspect of a child’s health is under scrutiny. One of those aspects is ensuring good physical health, which has repercussions when not addressed promptly. 

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You should also incorporate health checkups in their routine as early as possible. This should include a visit to a physician and a dentist. So, if you don’t have any of these yet, you should start looking for a dentist in Shrewsbury or one near you, and a physician too.

Childhood nutrition matters because, for growth, kids need food with the groundwork laid from an early age which determines the course of their health at later stages.

Since parents are a child’s role model, any good habit children observe tends to stick around, especially regarding food preferences.

So, what constitutes good nutrition in kids? Good nutrition includes five main food groups: grains, vegetables, fruit, protein, and dairy, all in adequate amounts.

For parents, planning a healthy mealtime is daunting due to busy schedules or insufficient resources, but there is a way to instill healthy food choices in children. 

Cook meals together to teach your child the importance of what they are eating. Children mostly prefer eating unhealthy foods to healthy ones. 

However, kids are less likely to choose an unhealthy diet when taught the benefits of consuming healthy foods. 

As a parent, you must ensure that healthy foods are a part of your regular family meals. Make sure everyone is involved when choosing nutritious options. 

For instance, take kids with you to the farmer’s market or grocery store and encourage them to pick fresh fruits and vegetables. 

3. Instill Good Manners

Unlike in old times, teaching a child good manners is more crucial today in a technology-driven society. A parent’s job is to help children develop social skills and teach them how to interact politely and respect others.   

Some good habits you teach should include being gracious when competing and being humble when winning. Good sportsmanship skills from an early age help children later in life when they work in a team for projects. 

Youngsters often don’t wait for their turn to speak due to their restlessness in expressing their thoughts. Children need a reminder to allow others to finish before interrupting.

Practical parenting skills, in such instances, are using a visual reminder, such as the talking stick, to help kids to learn the habit of staying put when others are conversing. 

A child must grasp basic table manners, whether a big holiday meal, family dinner, or a regular meal. Good manners include not chewing with a mouth full and helping set and clear the table.  

4. Discipline

Contrary to popular belief, discipline is not about punishing kids. It is about ensuring that young ones learn skills that help them become responsible adults. 

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Irrespective of the various parenting approaches, children have numerous benefits when leading a disciplined life. 

It might come as a surprise for parents that kids feel reluctant to be in charge. Even if they do so, it is only to test whether their caregivers keep them safe. Lack of discipline in a kid’s life often has serious repercussions. 

According to a publication, kids with permissive parents are more likely to experience anxiety, as they have to make decisions without an elder’s supervision. When kids are disciplined in a healthy way, they learn to find alternative ways to meet their needs. 

As a parent, understanding the difference between consequences and punishments is essential. Kids only learn from their mistakes when disciplined with an appropriate consequence, whereas punishment only teaches a child how to escape when misbehaving. 


Q: What’s the most important thing for raising a child?

A: Unconditional love and support! Building a secure emotional foundation promotes their confidence and well-being.

Q: How can I set expectations without being too strict?

A: Clear boundaries and consistency are key. Set fair expectations, enforce rules with understanding, and maintain predictable routines.

Q: How can I encourage open communication with my child?

A: Actively listen to their feelings, validate their concerns, and create a safe space for open expression. Show them they can always talk to you about anything.

Q: How can I help my child learn and grow?

A: Foster their curiosity! Encourage play, exploration, and exposure to new experiences. Help them discover their interests and passions.

Q: How can I be a good role model for my child?

A: Lead by example! Show kindness, respect others, and teach them to understand and consider different perspectives. Your actions speak louder than words.


Ensuring a child’s good health is challenging but necessary as a parent. The childhood era is crucial in terms of health and development. 

This is where parents play a significant role by ensuring that children are provided an environment where all their social, emotional, and educational needs are met. 

Effective parenting is about making sure that children are safe and equipped with skills that help them succeed in life as adults. 

A parent-child relationship is unlike any other where parents, from shaping their personality and habits to creating a space full of affection, acceptance, and appreciation. 

Some factors that help in shaping a child’s personality and health include boosting self-esteem, providing adequate nutrition, and teaching good manners and discipline. 





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