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own business

There is no better time than now to start your own business – if only because yesterday is too late, and tomorrow never comes!

Not for the faint hearted

For many, running your own business is a beyond even a pipe dream. The thought of being responsible for the salaries of dozens of employees, bringing in sales, fighting with the competition – it certainly isn’t for the faint hearted.

However, running your own business does not have to involve renting a suite of offices and investing in a fleet of delivery vehicles. In this day and age of the internet it is possible to build a six or seven figure business from the comfort of your own home using nothing but a laptop and a robust internet connection. All you need is the idea, and the motivation and passion to put it into action.

Need a bit of extra impetus to push you in the right direction? Here are five good reasons why you should leave the job and start your own business. (Disclaimer – make sure you have enough funds to support yourself and your family for a while. It may take some time to get going).

1.Freedom of being your own boss

There’s nothing like being your own boss. You get to set your own rules. You get to choose your own working times. You get to create your own strategy. You get to follow your own passions. If you feel as though you have spent years being side-lined by someone else and KNOW you could do better by being your own boss, then do it!

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2.You can work from anywhere

Have laptop will work from wherever you wish – whether that s the local coffee shop, or your favourite beach in your favourite holiday resort. One of the biggest take aways from the pandemic working from home period is that it is not always necessary to be in the same room. Although it has been acknowledged that face to face meetings are still a good thing in terms of human relationships and engagement, it was a brilliant experiment in how working practices are changing in the future. Seeing your kids artwork behind you on the fridge is now judged less than it was before.

3.The rewards are yours (as are the risks)

For every new client you take on, you reap the rewards. For every client you lose, you lose personally. Bear in mind that as you grow, your workload will increase exponentially, and you won’t have the luxury of a team of people to support you. However, there is a wealth of low cost resources such as Fiverr and Upwork where you can outsource tasks as your time fills up. 

4.Take control of all decisions 

There’s nothing worse than having your decisions overruled when you know that you know best. Being your own boss means that you can get the absolute fundamentals of your product or service – price, product packaging, message, delivery – finished to your own specifications. It might not be right, but it will be yours.

5.You can incorporate your own passions and values

One of the driving forces behind an individual’s decision to follow their own entrepreneurial dream is that you can incorporate your own passions and values into your overall mission. Whether that is to commit to certain causes, scale up rapidly, spend more time with family, create a framework which allows you to travel more widely, target specific industries or give back to local communities. You have the freedom to create a working structure which responds to your needs and gives you a whole new sense of purpose and growing self-worth.

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